Sunday, January 28, 2007

Myocardial infarction, where a fatal outcome is not always so sudden

Ask most people about the supposed classic Heart Attack scenario and they will describe it as follows. The middle aged victim clutches their chest, gasps and the falls over and dies immediately. Apparently death by Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the most common cause of death in the USA today accounting for 20 percent of all fatalities. These attacks are apparently so lethal that only one in twenty victims survives

Until recently the most widely held view about these sort of incidents is that they would occur without warning and totally out of the blue so to speak. However a more detailed study by German Researchers would indicate that they are actually more like real lightening in that they are usually preceded by clouds, rain, wind and storms.

The problem with analysing the whole incidence of Sudden Cardiac Arrest is that since they are generally fatal, it is impossible to be able to ask the victims or sufferers how they were feeling prior to the attack starting?

The initial way round this complete lack of evidence was to discuss and interview relatives and bystanders present at the various attacks but as these tended to take place sometime after the event it then tended to cast doubt on any findings.

Researchers from the University of Berlin have tried to circumvent this delay by interviewing Doctors who have worked as part of the various emergency response teams within the city. The various Healthcare Professionals contacted had recorded basic data such as where and when the arrest had happened and whether CPR had been used and other information felt to be of use. The results of these investigations actually painted a more complex picture of sudden cardiac arrest which is more troubling.

In results from two thirds of the incidences, someone heard or saw the victim collapse. By and large that someone also happened to be a family member since 75 percent of these incidences occurred at home.

The warning signs reported were surprisingly common amongst those witnessed. These included dizziness, nausea, chest pains and vomiting.

Some of these warning signs were experienced in some cases hours before the arrest. It was a telling factor that only in about 25 percent of these attacks did they occur in any true “out of the blue” manner and in the majority of the 90 percent of these cases these prior symptoms lasted for in excess of 5 minutes.

It would appear that rather than these attacks be totally unexpected the victims would have by and large been exhibiting symptoms of cardiovascular disease already but undiagnosed. Again, apparently, two thirds of the victims whose cases were studied in this exercise had already been diagnosed with Heart Disease, also had survived a previous Cardiac Arrest or had Angina or other signs of heart disease.

It would also appear that in the cases of the Cardiac Arrests occurring at home, only 11 percent of the victims had any CPR or assistance given to them as opposed to the 26 percent of those whose attacks occurred in Public.

The obvious conclusion here would seem that there is a greater likelihood of having trained CPR Professionals on hand when you are out in public than you would find at home. The overall findings of this survey would lead you to believe that as opposed to being sudden and unexpected, a fatal Cardiac Arrest, by and large was a recurring incident and far from being totally out of the blue.

Further resources worth checking
High Blood Pressure / Living with Stress / Heart Attacks / Symptoms of High Blood Pressure / High Blood Pressure Symptom / Debt Consolidation Services / Stress Relief / International Adoption / Personal Bankruptcy / International Adoption / Adoption in the USA / Smoky Mountain Cabin Rentals / Auto Loans /

Friday, March 31, 2006

Stop Smoking Now

Welcome to Stop Smoking Now Online


This site is dedicated to helping those who wish to give up smoking a chance to do so in a positive environment. The “why’s and "where fore’s” of smoking do not matter here. All we wish to do is to concentrate in as positive a manner as we can how to stop smoking.

“Git off the weed”, “lose the ciggy”, “ban the ash” whatever, the name of the game here is:
“Stop Smoking Now”!

Auto Parts / Car Finance / Car Finance Smoky Mountain Cabin Rentals / Cabin Rentals / Smoky Mountain Cabins / Dog Training / Dog Grooming / Dog Health Any Purpose Loans /
Car Finance /Foreign Adoption / International Adoption USA / Adoption USA/
Adoption in Northern Ireland / Model Trains / Symptoms of Breast Cancer / Blood Pressure Information / Stress Relief/Adoption Services in the USA/Personal Bankruptcy / High Blood Pressure keen on Pets /International Adoption /International Adoption Resources/
Breast Cancer Treatment /Debt Consolidation Services /Consolidate your debt /
Clear your debt /Get rid of your debt /Do something about your debt /Consolidating your debt / stop smoking

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Rules of the Game when you are in need of dire financial rescuing

When you are in a hole – know how deep the hole is, don’t kid yourself, fool the world if need be but not yourself.

When you realise you are in that hole – stop digging, continuing to repeat the same mistake over and over again only compounds the initial screw up. People will give you a fools pardon to start with but not if you keep on screwing up the same way over and over again.

Any Purpose Loans
/ Car Finance / Foreign Adoption / International Adoption USA / Adoption USA/ Adoption in Northern Ireland /Model Trains / Symptoms of Breast Cancer / Cabins in the Smokies /Car Finance in Los Angeles / Blood Pressure Information / Stress Relief/ Adoption Services in the USA/ Dog Grooming/ Dog Health/ Dog Training/ keen on Pets/International Adoption / International Adoption Resources/Breast Cancer Treatment

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Views of Adoption and the Associate issues

International Adoption - Thinking about Foreign Adoption or Adopting a child from another Country?
Although there are many children in your country who are looking for an adoptive family, there are also children in other countries who need homes. International adoption may be their only opportunity to have a permanent family. For humanitarian reasons Government's allow International adoption to proceed where:

International Adoption USA - Thinking About Adopting a Child From Another Country?

If you think that you would be interested in adopting a child from overseas you should speak to your local authority or a voluntary adoption agency that is registered to work on Intercountry adoption.

Adoption is a way of providing a new family for a child when living with his own family is not possible. It is the means of giving a child an opportunity to start again; for many children, adoption may be their only chance of experiencing family life. To be eligible for adoption the child must be under the age of 18 years and for whom returning home to his birth parents is not possible. Should the child be married or has been married he cannot be adopted.

Stress and Associate issues:

Millions of people are looking for a magic supplement and herb combination that will increase their health and vitality and lead to the relief of stress. People are ingesting Coenzyme Q, pycnogenol, magnesium, Vitamin C, Gingko, Echinacea and thousands of other products and combinations. In many cases, these supplements give a slight energy and health boost. more info

Understanding high blood pressure

Blood pressure is vital to life whilst high blood pressure can be a threat to it. A permanently raised blood pressure leads to an increased tendency to blood vessel damage, and blood clot formation which may result in heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. High blood pressure affects one in six of us. High blood pressure tends to run in families. ironically, you may be totally unaware that your blood pressure is high.

Additional Resources:

Personal Bankruptcy / Breast Cancer Information / Connecting Carers / Personal Finance / Loans for Any Purpose

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The World of Stress Management

Millions of people are looking for a magic supplement and
herb combination that will increase their health and
vitality. People are ingesting Coenzyme Q, pycnogenol,
magnesium, Vitamin C, Gingko, Echinacea and thousands of
other products and combinations. In many cases, these
supplements give a slight energy and health boost. In some
cases, the body needs both healthy foods and supplements to
help recover from an illness. However, for most people, much
of the increased need for nutrients is due in a significant
part to a high level of daily physical and/or psychological

Taking steps to relax and body and mind (in addition to
getting adequate sleep) can be enormously healing and is
highly recommended for those interested in healing acute or
serious chronic illnesses or preventing future illnesses.
Relaxation techniques can add enormous power to other
holistic healing techniques. I hope that you take the time
to make gradual changes which will allow deep relaxation and
the healing and vitality that comes with it to become an
increasing part of your life.

Secured Credit Cards / Debt Buster Loans / Loans with Bad Credit / Debt Consolidation / Loans for Bad Credit / Personal Debt Reduction Blood Pressure / Blood Pressure Information / High Blood Pressure / Symptoms of High Blood Pressure / High Blood Pressure Symptoms / Treatment for High Blood Pressure / What is a Blood Test / reduce high blood pressure / Causes of High Blood Pressure /
What is High Blood Pressure / Who Can develop High Blood Pressure

/ Alternatives to Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy Law / Bankruptcy Law in detail / Chapter 7 Bankruptcy / Chapter 13 Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy / Alternatives to Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy Law /
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Pt1 / Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Pt2 / Chapter 7 Bankruptcy / Chapter 13 Bankruptcy /
Stress Relief / High Blood Pressure

Saturday, March 04, 2006

It’s always the poor that end up paying for everyone else

Bankruptcy, Personal Bankruptcy, Debt. Insolvency

“It’s always the poor that end up paying for everyone else”

“She was poor but she was honest
Victim of the squire’s game
First he loved her then he left her
Ain’t it a bleedin’ shame?”

Just like the anonymous poor girl in the above Victorian Music Hall song, it’s those who can afford it the least that usually end up paying the most.

They say money is the root of all evil. Well I am not too sure about that but money (or the lack of) certainly does do strange things to people.

Everybody dreams of winning the Lottery and being able to walk into your job the next day and politely (or not, depending on your relationship with your employers) being able to tell your employer what to do with it. It seems that with either too much or too little, the end effect is the same and that is, of course, trouble.

You could recant an almost endless list of platitudes about money and the common thread would be the pursuit (and absence) of happiness.

In this article my main concern is the over arching effect that the lack of money has on most people. Now the obvious initial reaction would be that it is fairly obvious what a lack of money does. It restricts what you do at the weekend, how much money you have to spend on clothes, eating out etc or does it?

It seems that we are a generation that is being consumed by debt and by and large we don’t seem to appear to be troubled too much by it. The downside of all of this is that in the United Kingdom we see the Government release an ever increasing quarterly number in the applications to submit to the Bankruptcy Court and in the United States we see a government that is presiding over a National Debt that is the largest ever seen since records began.

With such apparent Public indifference to the side effects of borrowing to excess is it any worry that this seems to be increasing rather than decreasing. Yet if we are not careful we are sitting on a financial time bomb that is programmed to explode in our faces in the not too distant future.

You see being consumed by debt does strange things to people. They say that if you owe the bank £30,000 and they press you to repay, it is your problem, but that if you owe the bank (or a collection of banks) £300.000 it is their problem. This is by and large down to what degree of “Russian roulette” (as they call it in financial circles) you choose to play with.

The newspaper columns are regularly filled with stories of over stressed individuals who have borrowed too much on their credit cards, can’t repay and have then gone and committed suicide purely as an adverse reaction to the intolerable stress levels that they have apparently found themselves in. Yet at the same time you see a daily procession of individuals cheerfully emerging from the Bankruptcy Courts have declared themselves bankrupt or a degree of bankruptcy that has enabled them to head straight away to the nearest restaurant to celebrate!

Most Financial Institutions when pressed with the unenviable role of calling in debts react in a similar fashion and that is to start to pile on a list of never ending bank charges or financial fees to raise the eventual amount of debt to almost unrecognisable levels. It is understandable that to the average man in the street that when faced with an ever increasing and never ending mountain of debt that the unthinkable in terms of suicide becomes more appealing. After all quite often when the answer to an initial plea of “I can’t afford to repay” is replied to in terms “never mind, have some more and we will change the interest rate, make it slightly cheaper but extend the term” thereby potentially making it doubly expensive but the poor recipient of this largesse is so relieved and grateful that they fail to check this fact in the small print.

Quite frankly, the Banks get what they deserve in the end of the day and all of this hand wringing routine of “we will have to pass these costs onto our other customers thereby making their accounts more expensive” is complete hogwash. The Banks are experts in shovelling money round the system and you can bet your bottom dollar that their eyes light up with glee when they close the front door and open the back door and via a discrete (and sometimes not so discrete) third party decide to play “fast and loose” in the euphemistically described “sub prime” sector. Here they revel in the fact that they can by and large charge whatever they like in rates and damn all others because they know that the poor and unsuspecting borrowers have nowhere else to go.

I once had lunch with a Financial Advisor who gleefully admitted that it was “Sub-prime” lending he was looking to develop and that he could close these sorts of deals all day, every day. He was not one tiny bit interested in the conventional market of standardised borrowing. “No way,” He declared, “it’s only when people get themselves into trouble can we start to make some real money”.

It is one of the greatest paradoxes of modern day society that it is more expensive for those who cannot afford it in the first place to borrow than it is for those who can. The trouble is that the Banks know it; they know who need the money most and they also know how to make the most profit in between.

However this kind of reckless money lending and loan sharking cannot go on for ever. The day will come when if they are not too careful, the mountain of debt will become just a little too large to be dealt with by moving it around slightly


Secured Credit Cards / Debt Buster Loans / Loans with Bad Credit Debt Consolidation
/ Loans for Bad Credit / Personal Debt Reduction
Blood Pressure / Blood Pressure Information /
High Blood Pressure / Symptoms of High Blood Pressure /High Blood Pressure Symptoms / Treatment for High Blood Pressure /What is a Blood Test /reduce high blood pressure /Causes of High Blood Pressure /What is High Blood Pressure / Who Can develop High Blood Pressure
Bankruptcy /
Alternatives to Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy Law / Bankruptcy Law in detail / Chapter 7 Bankruptcy /
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy /
Bankruptcy / Alternatives to Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy Law / Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Pt1 / Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Pt2 / Chapter 7 Bankruptcy / Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Stress Relief High Blood Pressure

Friday, March 03, 2006

Page Analysis Update

Page Analysis Update

The following urls were passed as fit for inspection this morning and at present were live as the time of this report.

Foreign Adoption / Overseas Adoption / International Adoption / International Adoption Information / International Adoption Agencies / Overseas Adoption Agencies / International Adoption Resources

The next batch need checking and could some carry that out as soon as possible

smoky mountain cabins / smokey mountain cabin rentals / smoky mountain cabin rentals /
smokey mountain cabins
/ smoky mountain cabin

The following go live Monday AM

International Adoption /Adoption Overseas /Adoption Foreign / International Adoption Agencies / International Adoption Agency / Foreign Adoption Agencies / International Child Adoption / International Adoption Services / Adopting Overseas / Christian International Adoption / Adoption Worldwide / Chinese Children Adoption International / Adopt International / International Adoption China / International Adoption India / International Adoption Photolisting / International Adoption Photolistings /

Check out also the following:

Dog Training /Dog Health / Dog Grooming